November 16, 2008

Rollie Pollie Ollie

Kelsie has been rolling over for about a week now! She rolls from her back to her stomach! No more leaving her on beds and couches. She's mobile! Hopefully not mobile enough that she will be able to get to the Christmas tree when we put it up. Her eye hand coordination is getting better everyday. She grabs anything and everything that is within her reach, especially hair! She's really good at grabbing stuff off your plate when you're not watching. She's growing up so fast! She has such a sweet spirit about her! She is always so content. We didn't even know she could be fussy until last week when her teeth started coming in. But 99% of the time she is always smiling, and has started to laugh when her dad tickles her. We love her lots!!!!!


Bobi said...

I can't believe she is rolling!!! I can't wait to see everyone in December, can you stop them from growing up for that long???

Bridges Family said...

Hey Brittany, It's Jamie Womack-Bridges. Wow!! you and Jason make some pretty cute kids. Phillip and I have three beautiful girls and another baby due in June. Liberty is 4, Lily is 2, and Cheyenne is 10 months. Phillip is still in the military and we will be stationed in Alaska for another 6 years. Our blog is Check it out sometime. With so many small kids it doesn't get updated very often. I really need to get better about that. LOL. Enjoy the holidays and tell Jason hello for us.

Krysta McClure said...

Of course you can link me to your blog!! What a beautiful family!!! Looks like life is treating you well!

Patty Sue Martin said...

Hi Brit, I found your blog when I was at Cristie's she is linked Jeanna and Jeanna is linked with you so I thought I would link to you too! I hope you don't mind if I pop in and see whats going on with you once in a while. Your kids are getting so big. They are all so cute. Your family pictures turned out good. Hope you had a Christmas. Patty