January 16, 2009


Today is carter's birthday and he is 2! I can't believe how fast he has grown up! He has lost is baby look, and is starting to look like a little man. He is such a funny little kid! He likes anything that has wheels, but his favorite thing is motorcycles. He goes around making engine sounds all day. He has a couple of motorcycles that he plays with that make noise, and if it doesn't make noise he will make on for it! He is starting to talk to much. His first words, after mom and dad, were cheese and boo. He loves his cheese! And like his dad he's a jokester. He is always ready for a good scare! He is such a good boy and is always happy ans smiling! He is known for his spiky hair. Since the day he was born it has stuck straight up. Just like he has been electrocuted. I love it! He also has these gorgeous blue eyes. Unlike the rest of our family, we all have brown eyes. Keslie's are hazel for the time being, but we'll see what happens. Carter can just bat those beautiful blue eyes and Grandma's and Grandpa's and they will get him anything! Well the birthday boy is up so I better start celebrating! We are going to McDonald's to eat and play, and then it's off the the inside zoo. (That's what we call PETCO) Since it's to cold to go to the real zoo. Lots of pictures to come later. Everyone have a great day, I know we will!


Jeanna said...

Happy birthday Carter! I love the you are going to the "inside zoo"- what a great idea. I'm looking forward to the pictures.

Sherrie said...

We hope that Carter had a very, very happy birthday! Hope to see you all soon!