February 26, 2009

She's growing up!

Kelsie has been working on crawling for a while now. She would rock on her hands and knees, then she would scoot on her bump, then she would only crawl backwards. But FINALLY she's got it. She really started going good on Tuesday while they was stuff all over the floor. It must have been motivation. She wanted to grab all these new things. But on the bad side everything is fair game in her eyes. So out comes the gate to keep her from falling down the stairs, up go the decorations I have put out, and away with the toys that are choking hazards. She has also started pulling herself up onto stuff. She doesn't have enough leg muscles to hold her up so she ends up falling. It's a good thing she's got those chubby thighs so cushion her fall. So all in all Kelsie is getting so big and growing up so fast. I'm just wondering when her teeth are going to make it through.

February 25, 2009

A swimming pool in the basement?

Yesterday morning I woke up to find a swimming pool in the basement. I've always thought having a pool would be fun, but I'll stick to the kids' blow up pool OUTSIDE! Luckily I have a husband that deals with this kind of stuff for a living! After sucking up enough water to at least get stuff out of the basement we made a haul to the dump. While out and about we went to lunch , because you have to eat even if you house is flooding. So we get back home and the boss calls to tell him they need him asap. They have been bombarded with floods. So off he goes to take care of other peoples houses. BUT, I have the best family in the world!!!! I made a couple phone calls and immediately I had people at my house willing to help. We got everything out that needed to be out before Jason even got home. My in-laws were at my house until late helping suck out water and keeping the kids entertained. I was looking on the bright side of things and thought this is a good thing!!?? Now that my basement is empty and everything is in my parents shop, I'm going to go through it and have a garage sale. To refer back to a post about a month ago, stuff was overtaking my life and I just couldn't handle it. Every time I went downstairs it made me sick to see what I had ahead of me. I bought some storage stuff to organize, so what doesn't fit is going down the road. I love how the basement is empty and open. I might not let any of it come back! But anyways, we were lucky that nothing was ruined. All of my storage was stored in plastic bins so they were safe. The office/scrapbooking room had just been reorganized and cleaned. That was the room that the window well was full and the water was just pouring in. But thank goodness back in the day people couldn't lay a level concrete floor and all my pictures were DRY! I would have been so bitter if my pictures had been ruined that you might not hear from me for a while. Can you say Blackfoot South! But everything is going good, and everything is drying out great. Next time you come to my house you might not recognize it! There's always wishful thinking. Everyone have a good day and stay dry!

February 20, 2009

Back to normal

Things are finally getting back to normal around our house. I went out and bought some stuff to organize and I went to work. It's not perfect or near done, but at least I'm not pulling my hair out, or tripping over toys. In fact, my hair is starting to grow back. For those of you who didn't know my hair was falling out so fast about 4 months after I had Kelsie I thought I was going to go bald. Seriously!!! I got some special hair stuff from a beauty supply house, and used it everyday for about 3 months. And now I can finally see some results. ( keep it on the DL, but I thought about putting it in Jason's shampoo just to see if anything would happen, but I think that is a lost cause!)I have baby sprouts all over the top of my head. Now I know where Carter gets his hair that stands straight up. I've got a lot of updates for tomorrow. Brielle's last basketball game, valentines boxes, and other stuff so check back tomorrow!

February 12, 2009


Hey! Jump over to leeloublogs.blogspot.com for some great giveaways for an even greater cause. It's amazing what they're doing for those families. Anyway check it out soon, because it ends tonight at 9:00 est. Good Luck!